In the Austin, Texas area, most of our homes are built upon clay soil that swells when it gets wet and shrinks when it dries. Over time, this moving soil can damage a home’s foundation, requiring costly repair. Fear of future foundation issues prevent many good homes from being sold quickly and at the desired price.
Figuring out which home to buy is one of the most important financial decisions most people will make in their lifetimes, and buyers want the peace of mind of knowing that nothing major will go wrong with their purchase. That’s why home warranties are such an important advantage for both home buyers and sellers; it is an inexpensive add-on for home sellers (our soil treatments average about $3,800, although price may vary) and a valuable incentive for home buyers. It eases the buyer’s concerns and helps sell the home quickly.
Home sellers and home buyers both benefit from soil stabilization treatments. As foundation experts, we know the things that can go wrong with foundations and the detrimental effect it can have on a home’s value and ability to be sold quickly and at the desired price. It is our strong recommendation that any home built upon clay soil should have soil stabilization injections to prevent future problems.
With a soil treatment and 10-year foundation warranty from Douglas, home sellers can provide potential buyers with peace of mind. For home buyers who are skittish about buying a home with potential foundation problems, soil treatment can be an inexpensive add-on during the buying process that allows them to overcome the fear of foundation issues and close the sale.